Saturday, July 12, 2008

Black Sheep Bleat - I

Welcome to Dog's Own it the more popular way. Ask me what I feel about that description of my State...I don't give a flying fu**(sensitive people, read 'funny thing'). The land of the 'literate,liberal,progressive minds' has unified against a textbook promoting secularism and communal harmony.Of course, it (the textbook) committed the unforgivable act of telling the truth about our past. We Mallus are hippocratic when it comes to talking about ourselves (especially about the not-so-admirable actions of our ancestors).

The Dalits were slaves of the wealthy landowners and had no right over themselves. They were bought and sold like animals, their women raped and the entire community condemned to a life of unending misery. The Christians, who owe their faith to a man who took his disciples from the lowest rungs of the society, were complicit in the oppressive acts of the upper caste people.

Well..the arrangement worked well for the Christians, their business interests were protected and promoted by keeping the wealthy upper castes in good humour and the upper caste oppression would make sure that the Dalits can't raise their voice against exploitation by the shrewd, money-minded and ruthless Christians.

The Dalits could not use the common streets lest they pollute the upper castes by proximity, they could not use the public well not use the public ghats for washing and bathing. However, the Brahmin and the Christian would consume the agricultural products an untouchable would grow and force themselves on Dalit girls(Well..the holy book also talks about maintaining the actions of the right and the left hand separately...We're God's children right, may be we can get a bit naughty and Daddy would just ignore it).

to be continued....
Comments are welcome (if it's regarding grammar, punctuation and syntax.. refer 1 para 2 line)



You were spot on about your observations on the "Literate, liberal and progressive MALLUS".They are a hypocratic bunch who thrive on petty politics.

kallekudiyan said...

good one,we do have our raw spots..

priyanka singh said...

hey arun..good job.perfect writing and beautiful thoughts