Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Bhopal - Does the government give a damn

So much of hype over verdict in Bhopal gas tragedy case! Wow, I'm impressed by the amazing speed at which justice was delivered to 15,000 dead and lakhs as-good-as-dead. May be civilians dying like flies in their sleep did not evince the interest of the government or civil society the way it did when Mumbai was targeted on 26, November 2008.
So what happened to the culprits. The person responsible at the highest level in the company - Warren Anderson - is living comfortably with handsome retirement savings in the US. The political top brass of the state - which allowed the company to function ignoring safety measures - are still roaming free.. or should i put it this way - ruling free.
Congress is struggling to prop halos on leaders, living, dead and killed, for it knows the otherwise lifeless Opposition will rise from its grave to make life miserable for them.
So who paid for the crime. All except those who had something to do with the disaster. What do we do now.. Of course..emulate the West.. hold candle light vigils...print t-shirts.. Hoorah..long live democracy..long live civil society..How little we realise how screwed we are as a nation when it comes to conscience and timely reaction

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